Saturday, May 26, 2012

Anavar Use In Sports

Jay Cutler anavar useAnavar (also known as AnVar, Oxandrolone, and Oxandrin) is one of the most popular weight and fat loss drug among professional sportsmen. 

This synthetic anabolic steroid derivative of dihydrotestosterone is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid and admired by sportsmen across the world as it has only a negligible impact on enzymes of the liver. In addition to that, the performance enhancing drug is not associated with aromatization that means users of this anabolic steroid need not worry about estrogenic side effects such as bloating, gynecomastia, oily skin, and acne. If that was not all, Anavar use is not related to influencing the body's normal testosterone production (HPTA axis).

In addition to these advantages, use of Anavar is also linked with preserved muscle mass, improved body composition, and loss of extra body weight and fat while helping users gain lean appearance. A small majority of sportsmen even use this steroid medically to offset protein catabolism that is caused by administration of corticosteroids in the long run. Some sportsmen even use it for finding significant relief from anemia and hereditary angioedaema. If that was not all, Anavar is also used by sportsmen and others for minimizing bone pain associated with osteoporosis and reduce muscle wasting associated with HIV/AIDS.

Dexter Jackson anavar cycle
Professional sportsmen, especially those in cycling, swimming, boxing, and mixed martial arts, use this excellent cutting cycle steroid to catch up and even stay ahead of the competition while losing body fat and gaining muscle mass, body strength, and lean appearance at the same time. Anavar use in sports is primarily because of the fact that the steroid leads to dramatic and nearly permanent gains in the context of muscle function, stamina, body strength, weight loss, fat loss, and performance without putting users in risks and side effects of anabolic steroids, performance enhancing drugs, and estrogens.

arnold anavar abuse
Anavar use in sports is also related with improving the levels of performance and toning appearance of the body without compromising on already-gained muscle definition and muscle mass. The steroid is commonly stacked with Equipoise, Trenbolone, and testosterone compounds such as testosterone enanthate during a steroid cycle of six to eight weeks. It is worthwhile to note that Anavar can be used by sportsmen suffering with specific medical conditions after informing the concerned regulating authorities in advance about such use. However, a medical prescription is required to authenticate legality of such use so that Anavar is not abused by sportsmen without adequate reasons.